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Metallo Konstruktor (Металло конструктор)

Metallo Konstruktor (Металло конструктор) was a steel construction system with similarities to Märklin. Note that the earlier sets just had Konstruktor (конструктор) It was made in Russia initially in 1930 by Mostorga. (Мосторга). However the other manuals came from the Leningrad plant number 8 "Constructor" (Ленинградского завода № 8 "Конструктор"). It was made from at least 1930 to 1940.)

Manufacturer / Distributor

Mostorga, Russia. (Мосторга)
Later: Leningrad plant number 8, Russia "Constructor" (Ленинградского завода № 8 "Конструктор")

Below there are manuals/leafets which can be downloaded by clicking on the appropriate image.

A Metallo Konstruktor set manual by Mostorgo for sets 1 and 2 dated 1930.

Photos of a Metallo Konstruktor Mostorgo set dated 1930.

A Metallo Konstruktor set manual by the Leningrad Plant for set 4 dated 1932.

Photos of a Metallo Konstruktor Leningrad Plant set dated 1932.

A Metallo Konstruktor set manual by the Leningrad Plant for sets 0 and 1 dated 1936.

Photos of a Metallo Konstruktor Leningrad Plant set dated 1936.

A Metallo Konstruktor set manual by the Leningrad Plant for set 2 dated 1940.

Photos of a Metallo Konstruktor Leningrad Plant set dated 1940.